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What People Are Saying

"Thank you SO much ladies!  Very inspirationl & looking forward to more!"  Cindy

“I have needed this for a very long time!" -Lee


“We needed a place for like-minded women to gather not to complain but to inspire." -Miriam


“Today is the brightest my soul has felt in 19 years! I am so grateful to you for enabling that to happen."  -Mel





"Thank you so much for allowing me the space & time to share! What an empowering morning. I just wanted to say that when I came home and was speaking to my daughter about where I was (&why I was "dressed up"). I asked her what makes someone beautiful and she pointed to her heart and smiled at me. That gives me TONS of courage to keep on sharing this message of "How to Feel Beautiful". 


Mark your Calendar







Darling Dinners

Saturday, March 21, 2015

6:00 - 9:00 pm

$30 person 

reservation required


A Night of Good Food &

Great Conversation

Inspired by Darling Magazine's dinner series. There is something to be said about having a great discussion over a great meal with other inspiring women. It's a different type of exchange compared to ones over coffee or in a more formal group setting. Join us for a great meal, a glass of wine and educated conversation. We will pick the topic and prompt everyone with a great question pertaining to women. Then, we will let the magic happen and the evening unfold.




The Art of Dreaming

Saturday, April 25, 2015

6:00 - 9:00 pm

*must pre-register


Have you ever had a dream that made you question your sanity, your morals, your desires or your fears?


This transformational experience allows the dreamer to process traumatic loss, challenges, and life transitions by overcoming the fear of the symbol and seeing its healing aspect. Collage making invites the dreamer into a dialogue with the soul giving deeper meaning and expression to the dream to manifest creative solutions to thrive in the waking world.





Three Graces Fire Circle

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

6:00 - 8:00 pm


*Must register


A night of releasing and letting go.  The power and warm embrace of the fire connects us all on this journey.  Throw your worries away and start the summer season with a clear heart.


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